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Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia

Project coordinator: Dott. Graziano Lorenzon


 Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia


Fruili Venezia Giulia is constituted as an Independent Region, with a juridical personality and part of the Italian Republic, as one undivided unit, based on the principles of the Constitution according to the present Statute.

The Region is made up of the territories known as the Province of Gorizia and Udine and the town councils of Trieste, Duino-Aurisina, Monrupino, Muggia, San Dorligo dells Valle and Sgonico. The Regional capital is the city of Trieste. It has its own Standard and Coat of Arms approved by a decree of the President of the Republic.

Rights of all its citizens are taken into consideration by the Region, of any linguistic group and it respects the respective ethnic and cultural characteristics of those belonging to those groups.

(Special Statute of the independent region of Fruili Venezia Giulia. Constitutional Law 31st January 1963, n˚1. 



dott. Graziano Lorenzon




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