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Interadriatic Network - Agreement Protocol

  1. That with the communication number 2000/C 143/08 of the 28th April 2001and that of 2001/C 239/03 of the 23rd August 2001 the European Commission hereby launch the Trans Adriatic Agreement project;
  2. and with the same Act of the 8th April 2003 the Overseeing Committee of the programme have in turn approved the projects at a regional level , including those presented by the Puglia region; projects at a national level including the afore mentioned project “Viaggiadr”
  3. that with the Deliberation of the Regional Council 1118 of the 4th august 2004 were approved including that of the afore mentioned project Viaggiadr,
  4. And that the project Viaggiadr is a project, which starts with new research developments on a common patrimonial based on Adriatic culture, intending to give an answer to an ever growing question of specialised compatible tourist services and an alternative in respect to those currently on offer, and striving towards a certain quality of travelling which in turn will enrich the historical knowledge in itself., stemming from a feeling of belonging to the Area, the need for significant human relationships, in short one of identity, in the sense of a common Adriatic identity (recognised by the populations of both sides of the Adriatic coasts and external tourists to the Area) the current absence of the so called knowledge has been individualised as “problem area”
  5. the Viaggiadr foresees the constitution of:
    • 1) an International Inter university Study centre for the study the Adriatic Journey( as constituted in date 23rd April 2005) as the subject of a link between the Scientific University community, local bodies and institutions, tourist companies and networks, potential users, made up by the local population and universities.
    • 2) a Inter Adriatic Network of Local Bodies/Institutions of both shores of the Adriatic, that promote the involvement above all of Common University Partner Headquarters, in which the Region of Puglia is Head and that is constituted to be the institutional link for the initiative and the promotion of the financial fall of the project Viaggiadr. In particular regarding the function of local bodies/institutions and that they are able to emphasise and to give support in following areas; a) to individualise archival structures and to protect the patrimonial documentation, b) to promote the formation and training of those involved in the promotion and tourism sector and in the protection of the environment and artistic works, C) the link with local cultural institutions, companies and financial bodies especially those involved in the tourism sector.
  1. that as a consequence a defined operative model, in synthesis, and as foreseen three subjects able to represent the various components of the Adriatic Community; a Study Centre, An Interadriatic Network and Users.
  2.  And that same model is under the approval of guiding Committee of the project Viaggiadr, as agreed in the special assembly deliberated in Otranto on the 23rd April 2005, which received a unanimous approval;
  3. that each one of the afore mentioned subjects and are individualised as follows;
The Study Centre; constituted by an association of public and private bodies ( Universities, research Institutions, the Puglian Region, Academics, Cultural Associations and Foundations etc.) able to conjugate research and development and of formulating innovative proposals of cultural tourism.
The Inter Adriatic Network  constituted in association with public and private bodies able to link Financial bodies especially those involved in tourism and in the development of these connections, to define , organise and promote on the market innovative tours/literary routes following in foot steps of ancient travellers, and those laid down by the study centre.
Users made up by the Adriatic community and more generally academics and international users of innovative travel routes.
  1. that as a consequence of each of the three subjects should be formally given the following functions ;
    • The Study Centre
·        To reinforce a common sense of identity in the Adriatic area, with the main aim of realising a reserve of historical memories, with help and support of a digital library,
·        Educational development
·        Research into pass experiences emphasising historical and literary traditions of travelling, significant itineraries, compatibility with current configuration of the territories which make up the Adriatic basin, with the setting up on the basis of a canvas of itineraries of current tours of the area
·         A communication path between those internal to the network and those external users with the help and support of a Portal of the Adriatic Tour.
·        The inter Adriatic Network
·         A common link and marketing between local bodies/institutions and private companies working in the tourism sector and also with those connected to this area;
·        to elaborate the canvas of itineraries and itineraries proposed by the study centre, as an alternative tourism/cultural experience.
·        To activate a communication strategy in order to market the Adriatic tour, promoting it through images the sense of a common Adriatic identity.
·        To promote and organise projects and business plans to promote the project etc.
·        Users
·        To mature, through access to historical memories, a common identity of the Adriatic Area.
·        To exploit services and the development of culture and tourism in the Area.
·        To exploit and take advantage of educational opportunities.
·        To exploit the digital library and the Adriatic Tour.
·        To take on the leading role in exchanges of information through inter active Forums.
Taking into consideration
·        That , it is especially necessary to constitute the afore mentioned Inter Adriatic Network, as agreed by the public institutions able to link the subjects, also those afore mentioned private bodies, should define, organise and put in place on the market, innovative tourist itineraries, based on the literary ones defined by the study centre.
·        That finally at an operative level that same Network and the efficiency of its actions it is opportune to define the Agreement Protocol between those concerned
·        Defined in the present
Art. 1 Constitution
The agreement foresees the participation of the following public bodies, including; Croazia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Federation of Serbia and Montenegro, Albania, Fruili-Venezia Giulia, Molise and Puglia and a wider intake in order to include all the countries and Regions of the Adriatic, and the finalisation of the project “Viaggiadr”, co financed by the European Commission, the Italian Government and by the Puglian Region, as part of the INTERREG PROGRAMME III-A (TRANS ADRIATIC AGREEMENT).
This same project constitutes the foreseen Inter Adriatic Network.
Art. 2 Finality
The agreement has its conclusion in the realisation of the following, included on the Network;
1.      in order to offer based on those offered by the study centre, a series of itineraries which are innovative, touristy and cultural.
2.      to promote on the Network, Public bodies/institutions and those private bodies previously mentioned in the area of Tourism and connected areas,
3.      to activate a marketing and communication strategy in order to promote the common Adriatic identity.
4.      to promote and organise projects, business plans in the thematic area already defined (for example how to participate in projects, applications etc.)
Art.3 Leader
The leader of the Network is the Puglian region –“Assessorato al Mediterraneo”
Art.4 – Participants
The Puglian Region and the towns which have university partners plan to participate. Other       public sectors will be able to participate subject to a request presented to the Academic director of the project and at the termination of the project, to the Director of the Study Centre.
The Draft Agreement can be signed by public subjects belonging to the countries and regions taking part in the project and more extensively, belonging to the two Adriatic shores: Public Authorities both central and local, tourist companies,the various Chambers of Commerce etc.
The Study Centre will examine the applications for membership of the network, presented by the subjects referred to above in Art. 4, and will admit new subjects and will be responsible for informing the Apulia Region and all other subjects taking part in the project.
ART.5 Member’s Duties
Each public subject taking part must agree to fulfil specific activities correlated to the four points in art. 2 above, operating with their own human and technical resources to carry out the project and must follow the directives and the uniform strategy defined by the Study Centre.
The Study Centre agrees to guarantee the technical coordination of the Network.
Art.6 – Final Layout
Possible additions or modifications to the present Agreement can be proposed by the Study Centre or by the subjects in the Interadriatic Network and, subject to majority approval by the members (majority member approval) and the consent of the Study Centre, can be formalized with additional agreements.
Communication between the participants will be mainly on line.

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